Last two weeks, we read and discussed the introduction of "What makes you not a Buddhist".
The author expresses the "Four Dharma Seals" in sentences, which you could find below for
1. All compounded things are impermanent. (諸行無常)
2. All emotions are pain. (諸受皆苦)
3. All things have no inherent existence. (諸法無我)
4. Nirvana is beyond concepts. (涅槃寂靜)
1. If you cannot accept that all compounded or fabricated things are impermanent, if you believe
that there is some essential substance or concept that is permanent, then you are not a
Buddhist. (諸行無常)
2. If you cannot accept that all emotions are pain, if you believe that actually some emotions are
purely pleasurable, then you are not a Buddhist. (諸受皆苦)
3. If you cannot accept that all phenomena are illusory and empty, if you believe that certain
things do exist inherently, then you are not a Buddhist. (諸法無我)
4. And if you think that enlightenment exists within the spheres of time, space, and power, then
you are not a Buddhist. (涅槃寂靜)