2009年12月6日 星期日



時間:第一梯次 99年2月17日~99年2月27日
第二梯次 99年2月27日~99年3月8日
第三梯次 99年3月8日~99年3月18日


地點:佛陀教育基金會華藏教育園區 (台北縣深坑鄉阿柔村5鄰大崙尾9號)

(詢問與報名時間:12月22日起) 謝謝您!

2009年9月29日 星期二

Sakyadhita Taiwan Newsletter 終於出爐了!



Sakyadhita國際善女人會第十屆國際年會「佛教的傳統與轉變、改變與挑戰」:第十屆釋迦提達國際會議(蒙古共和國烏蘭巴托)報導~李玉珍 教授




當我們同在一起:SAKYADHITA及國際佛教女眾的運動~張玉玲 教授

Sakyadhita Taiwan國際佛教善女人會台灣分會會員申請表


2009年9月19日 星期六


1. metaphysical 形而上的
2. dukkha 苦
3. cessation 停止、中斷
4. extinction 滅
5. conducive 有益的
6. futile 無益的
7. cause and effect (consequence) = karma 因果
8. parable 寓言、譬喻
9. namely 即、那就是
10. speculate 推測

2009年8月17日 星期一


由Sakyadhita國際佛教善女人會台灣分會(Sakyadhita Taiwan)所舉辦的國際佛教翻譯人才培訓「橋樑」種子訓練營,陽明山永明寺、財團法人玄妙和尚文教基金會、財團法人菩提文教基金會熱烈響應,三天的活動於 8月16日圓滿落幕。





2009年8月11日 星期二

Zen Study will Restart on Aug. 20th

The Zen Study on Aug. 13th is cancelled.
And it will restart on Aug. 20th.

Christie is going to have English classes at He-shan from Aug. 12
to Sep. 16th. Please refer to the message "幸福密碼~自在學英語"
posted on July 8th.

2009年8月6日 星期四

Zen Study Today (August 5) Cancelled

Taipei now is in the strike zone of Typhoon Morakot.
Please be careful when you go out for food.
Take care!

2009年7月29日 星期三

Zen Study Cancelled

Zen Study on 7/23 & 7/30 is cancelled...

Prof. Yu-ling will deliver a speech at TYBA at 7:00 on July 30th.
Further details please refer to the message below--"豐富生命─分享人生"系列講座

2009年7月8日 星期三

New Words

1. Tathagata 如來
2. Hindrance 障礙 five Hindrances 五障/五蓋
3. sin (原)罪
4. astonishing 驚人的
5. Jaina Mahavira 耆那教
6. Upasaka 優婆塞 (在家男弟子)=lay disciple
7. Upasika 優婆姨 (在家女弟子)
8. perplexity 困惑
9. wavering 猶疑不決
10. dispel 去除
11. ignorance 無明 =avijja
12. false views 邪見、錯誤的見解 (miccha ditthi)
13. persecution 審判
14. convert someone to (religion) 改宗
15. propagation 傳法
16. the Name of the Rose 玫瑰之名 (莎士比亞)
17. mono- 單一的
18. monopoly 壟斷、獨裁
19. prejudice 偏見 pride & prejudice 傲慢與偏見
20. attribute 屬性
21. be fond of 喜歡 = like
22. discriminative 分別的
23. non-sectarian 不分宗派、分支



上課日期:8/12, 8/19, 8/26, 9/2, 9/9, 9/16


Tel: 0972-623-536, Fax: 02-3365-2753
E-mail: jia0923@gmail.com

2009年7月7日 星期二




電話:02-2367-2713, 2365-4766


時間/ 講題/ 主講人/ 主講人介紹
98.7.9 野草莓~一生的統整 (黃素菲 老師-陽明大學通識教育中心助理教授)
98.7.16 談心 (陳佳源校長-台北市私立東山高中校長)
98.7.23 浪跡天涯只為塵盡光生 (廖文瑜-佛國之旅節目製作及主持人)
98.7.30 如是我聞:我的國際佛國之旅 (張玉玲 老師-國際佛教善女人會台灣分會會長)
98.8.6 從神山到聖湖 (法竺法師-中華佛教青年會監事)
98.8.13 佛教藝術與修行 (吳文成老師-台北市鹿野苑藝文之友會教師)

地點:台北市新生北路一段88號5樓 北佛青

2009年7月2日 星期四

Information about the Travel Agency in India

If you'd like to travel or make pilgrimage in India, this agency can arrange
a tour guide and the accommodations. The manager of this agency is an Indian
but he can speak Chinese very well!
If you need more information, please visit the website below:

2009年6月8日 星期一

Photos at the Sakyadhita Taiwan Inaugurational Ceremony

Sakyadhita Taiwan Inaugurational Ceremony


In chinese:
In English:



The zen study on May 28th and June 4th was cancelled.
But we're going to continue reading the book " What the Buddha taught" by
Walpola Rahula and the translation by Fa3yan2 Shih this Thursday (June 11).
Hope to see all of you this week!

With metta~

2009年5月12日 星期二

More Vocabularies

Cao Dai 高台
Hoa Hao 和好
Dieu Nhan 妙因

The spiritual culture of Vietnam encompasses Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism,
Catholicism, and indigenous traditions such as Cao Dai and Hoa Hao. More than
60 percent of the Vietnamese follow some form of Buddhist practice, including
Theravada, Mahayana, and the Mendieant tradition.
Dai)、和好(Hoa Hao)。超過百分之六十的越南人遵循某個佛教的修行傳統,包括南傳、

Buddhism was transmitted to Vietnam in the first century BCE, when monks
arrived from South India by sea, and in the second century CE, when monks
such as Mozi arrived by land from China. Another influx occurred in the sixth
century when the Khmer kingdom was founded near Hue, in central Vietnam.
Over time, two Zen (Thien) lineages were established in Vietnam, one from India
and one from China. In 1115, Dieu Nhan became the first Vietnamese bhiksuni
and founded the Bhiksuni Sangha in Vietnam. Vietnamese homes often display
images and sutras dedicated to Quan Am, the bodhisattva of compassion.
Vietnamese Buddhism is quite diverse. Northerners tend to favor Thien (Zen)
practice, while southerners tend to prefer Dao Tang (Pure Land).
僧人,如牟子等,從中國將佛教帶入。另一個佛教傳入的高潮則是在西元六世紀苗族 (Khmer)在
自印度,一個則來自中國。西元1115年時,妙因(Dieu Nhan)成為越南的第一位比丘尼,並且
當多元化。北方人傾向于修禪,而南方人則偏好淨土法門(在越南稱為Dao Tang)。

Extracted from the Sakyadhita Brochure~

2009年5月11日 星期一

Vocabularies on May 7th

1. vicinity [və'sInətI] 鄰近地區、近鄰
2. millennium [mI'lεnIəm] 千禧年
3. feudal [fjudl] 封建制度的、封地的
4. kaleidoscope [kə'laIdəskop]
5. Cham 韃靼
6. array [ə're] 一系列、大量
7. Mendieant tradition 托缽、乞士派
8. ancestry ['ænsεstrI] (總稱)祖先、世系
9. conscientious [kan∫I'εn∫əs] 認真的、謹慎的
10. domestic violence 家庭暴力
11. foster ['fɔstɚ] 養育、培養

2009年5月3日 星期日

New Words

serenity 平靜
tangerine 橘子
blossom 花
peel 剝/削去...的皮
fragrance 香味
multify 加乘 、加倍
sane 頭腦清楚的、明智的、健全的
wondrous 奇妙的、不可思議的

Yesterday, in our retreat, we had a tangerine party. Everyone was offered
one tangerine. We put the tangerine on the palm of our hand and looked
at it, breathing in a way that the tangerine became real. Most of the time
when we eat a tangerine, we do not look at it. We think about many other things.
To look at a tangerine is to see the blossom forming into the fruit, so see the
sunshine and the rain. The tangerine in our palm is the wonderful presence and
smell its blossom and the warm, moist earth. As the tangerine becomes real,
we become real. Life in that moment becomes real.
Mindfully we peeled our tangerine and smelled its fragrance. We carefully took
each section of the tangerine and put it on our tongue, and we could feel that
it was a real tangerine. We ate each section of the tangerine in perfect mindfulness
until we finished the entire fruit. Eating a tangerine in this way is very important,
because both the tangerine and the eater of the tangerine become real. This, too, is
the basic work for peace.

~extracted from page 52 & 53 of "The Heart of Understanding"

2009年4月27日 星期一


The Zen Study on April 23rd was cencelled.

2009年4月20日 星期一

New words on April 16th

"The Heart of Understanding" from page 49 to page 51

svaha 薩婆訶
mantra 咒
utter 說出
dwell 安住
liberation of suffering 離苦
duality 二分
nonduality 不二
Sangha 清淨眾,泛指修行人團體
bodhi 菩提--覺
sadu 善哉
realize 証悟

Three kinds of gifts: 三施
1. The gift of material resources 財施
2. The gift of knowhow, the gift of the Dharma 法施
3. The gift of non-fear 無畏施

2009年4月9日 星期四


會後昭開成立大會,與會貴賓Sakyadhita會長釋慧空法師(Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo)及歷








性別 男□ 女□/ 出家眾□ 在家眾□

聯絡電話 公:  手機:


是否參加成立大會 是□ 否□

2009年3月27日 星期五

This Week

We were glad that this Tuesday Ven. Tian Jin joined our zen study group and
answered some questions we had. We've discussed from page 35 to 42,
and below please find some key points excerpt from the paragraphs...

The one who bows and pays respect,
And the one who receives the bow and the respect,
Both of us are empty,
That is why the communication is perfect.

A speck of dust contains the whole universe. 一沙一世界

skandhas (梵文) 有覆蓋、遮蓋的意思

eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind

eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, form, sound, smell, taste, touch and object of mind

Should you have any question or comment, please feel free to let us know.

Zen Study Time Changed to Thursday Evening

The time of our zen study is changed to 7:30 p.m. every Thursday.
And the following study is going to be in the same place (Wuenshi Buddhist Library)
at 7:30 p.m. on April 2nd.
Hope to see all of you soon!

2009年3月18日 星期三

11th Sakyadhita Conference--Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam--December 28, 2009, to January 3, 2010

第11 屆Sakyadhita 佛教善女人國際大會
地點:越南 胡志明市
時間:2009年12月28日 – 2010年1月3日


大會主題:傑出佛教女性 (Eminent Buddhist Women)

一、佛教女眾與領導力(Buddhist Women and Leadership)
二、歷史上傑出的佛教女眾(Eminent Women in Buddhist History)
三、佛教女性弘法師之在家與出家(Buddhist Women Teachers: Lay and Ordained)
四、跨文化對談──何謂“傑出”?(Dialogue Across Cultures: Defining Eminence)
五、積極入世的佛教女性 (Socially Engaged Buddhist Women)
六、跨世代與跨文化的佛法 (Dharma Across Generations and Cultures)
七、佛教女眾與全球貧困 (Buddhist Women and Global Poverty)
八、監獄弘法(Teaching Dharma in Prisons)
九、佛教女眾的多元生活型態 (Buddhist Women of Diverse Lifestyles)
十、跨文化的佛教教育 (Buddhist Education Across Cultures)

一、律動中的佛法:行動正念/動中禪(Dharma in Motion, Mindfulness in Action)
二、不同靜坐傳統之比較(Comparing Meditation Traditions)
三、佛教女性團體的組織發展(Organizational Development for Buddhist Women's Groups)四、教導兒童佛法:東西交流(Dharma with Children: East and West)
五、善巧的溝通 (Skillful Communications)
六、家庭暴力諮商技巧(Counseling Skills: Domestic Violence)
七、在家女眾之入世(Engaging Buddhist Laywomen)
八、化解衝突對立(Conflict Transformation)
九、人際關係中的佛法應用(Buddhist Practice in Relationships)

我們也歡迎您在大會分享與佛教女眾相關的短片或投影片簡報 (片長請以10-20分鐘為限)。
1)sakyadhita@gmail.com 2)ktsomo@sandiego.edu.


2009年2月23日 星期一

Zen Study Restart

After such a long holidays, our zen study is going to restart in Wenshi Buddhist Library (聞思佛學圖書館) at 7:00 p.m. on February 24th. Welcome people interested in zen to come to join us!

2009年2月9日 星期一

English Class

Christie is going to have an English Class at CYBA (Chinese Youth Buddhist Association-
中華佛教青年會) this Saturday.

It'll be a new and interesting method of learning English.
Sincerely invite you to come and learn English from six paramitas!

Topic: Six Paramitas of Foreign-Lanuage Studies & the Method of Quick Learning English
Pronunciation and Grammar (外語學習六波羅蜜─兼論英文語音語法速成要點)
Date: Feb. 14th (Saturday)
Time: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon (上午: 9:00-12:00)
Location: 2F, No. 78, Chang-An East Road, Taipei (台北市長安東路2段78號2樓)


2009年1月7日 星期三

Nalanda Buddhist Society

Nalanda is a wonderful Dharma center with lots of Buddhist Youth in Kuala Lumpur.
Below please find its blog link for reference.

The Heart Of The Prajnaparamita Sutra (般若波羅密多心經)

The bodhisattva Avalokita, while moving in the deep course of Perfect Understanding, shed light on the five skandhas and found them equally empty. After this penetration, he overcame all pain.

觀自在菩薩 行深般若波羅密多時 照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄

Listen, Shariputra, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, form does not differ from emptiness, emptiness does not differ from form. The same is true with feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness.

舍利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空 空即是色 受想行識 亦復如是

Heart, Shariputra, all dharmas are marked with emptiness; they are neither produced nor destroyed, neither defiled nor immaculate, neither increasing nor decreasing. Therefore, in emptiness there is neither form, nor feeling, nor perception, nor mental formations, nor consciousness; no eye, or ear, or nose, or tongue, or body, or mind, or mind; no form, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no object of mind; no realms of element (from eyes to mind-consciousness); no interdependent origins and no extinction of them (from ifnorance to old age and death); no suffering, no origination of suffering, no extinction of suffering, no path; no understanding, no attainment.

舍利子 是諸法空相 不生不滅 不垢不淨 不增不減 是故空中無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色聲香味觸法 無眼界 乃至無意識界 無無明 亦無無明盡 乃至無老死 亦無老死盡 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得 以無所得故

Because there is no attainment, the bodhisattvas, supported by the Perfection of Understanding, find no obstacles for their minds. Having no obstacles, they overcome fear, liberating themselves forever from illusion and realizing perfect Nirvana. All Buddhas in the past, present, and future, thanks to this Perfect Understanding, arrive at full, right, and universal Enlightenment.

菩提薩埵 依般若波羅密多故 心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離顛倒夢想 究竟涅槃 三世諸佛 依般若波羅密多故 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提

"Therefore, one should know that Perfect Understanding is a great mantra, is the highest mantra, is the unequalled mantra, the destoryer of all suffering, the incorruptible truth. A mantra of Prajnaparamita should therefore be proclaimed. This is the mantra: Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha."

故知般若波羅密多 是大神咒 是大明咒 是無上咒 是無等等咒 能除一切苦 真實不虛 故說般若波羅密多咒 即說咒曰 揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提薩婆訶

~The Heart of Understanding

1. Perfect Understanding 般若波羅密多
2. five skandhas 五蘊
3. Shariputra 舍利子
4. feeling 受
5. perception 想
6. mental formation 行
7. consciousness 識
8. defiled 垢; 玷汙
9. immaculate 潔淨的;無污垢的
10. suffering 苦
11. origination of suffering 集
12. extinction of suffering 滅
13. path 道
14. realizing perfect Nirvana 究竟涅槃


2009年1月5日 星期一

International Buddhist College

Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Christie are visiting International Buddhist College in Thailand
and are giving lectures on Buddhism and sharing their global experience and wisdom on Buddhist
studies, theory and practice, Buddhadharma development and activities across cultures, traditions,
gender and countries.
You could find more information by the link: http://ibc.ac.th/en/node/243