2009年5月12日 星期二

More Vocabularies

Cao Dai 高台
Hoa Hao 和好
Dieu Nhan 妙因

The spiritual culture of Vietnam encompasses Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism,
Catholicism, and indigenous traditions such as Cao Dai and Hoa Hao. More than
60 percent of the Vietnamese follow some form of Buddhist practice, including
Theravada, Mahayana, and the Mendieant tradition.
Dai)、和好(Hoa Hao)。超過百分之六十的越南人遵循某個佛教的修行傳統,包括南傳、

Buddhism was transmitted to Vietnam in the first century BCE, when monks
arrived from South India by sea, and in the second century CE, when monks
such as Mozi arrived by land from China. Another influx occurred in the sixth
century when the Khmer kingdom was founded near Hue, in central Vietnam.
Over time, two Zen (Thien) lineages were established in Vietnam, one from India
and one from China. In 1115, Dieu Nhan became the first Vietnamese bhiksuni
and founded the Bhiksuni Sangha in Vietnam. Vietnamese homes often display
images and sutras dedicated to Quan Am, the bodhisattva of compassion.
Vietnamese Buddhism is quite diverse. Northerners tend to favor Thien (Zen)
practice, while southerners tend to prefer Dao Tang (Pure Land).
僧人,如牟子等,從中國將佛教帶入。另一個佛教傳入的高潮則是在西元六世紀苗族 (Khmer)在
自印度,一個則來自中國。西元1115年時,妙因(Dieu Nhan)成為越南的第一位比丘尼,並且
當多元化。北方人傾向于修禪,而南方人則偏好淨土法門(在越南稱為Dao Tang)。

Extracted from the Sakyadhita Brochure~
